About me


I have an M.Sc. in Computer Science (with specialization in Machine Learning) from Georgia Tech and an M.Sc. in Cognitive Neuroscience from Leiden University, graduating on my thesis Computational modeling of individual differences using stochastic information accumulation models, supervised by Jay McClelland at Stanford University. I received my Ph.D. from Leiden University under the supervision of Bernhard Hommel, for my dissertation Control of complex actions in humans and robots. My Ph.D. research focused on developing computational models of cognition for use in robotic systems as part of the EU-funded research project RoboHow.Cog: Web-enabled and experience-based cognitive robots that learn complex everyday manipulation tasks.

Current work

I work as an assistant professor at Leiden University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I lecture in the Psychology and the Computer Science undergraduate and graduate programs on topics ranging from general psychology to topics in my area of expertise such as artificial intelligence, computational modeling, and artificial neural networks. I am an associate editor for Behavior Research Methods.

My current research is focused on how artificial robotic agents can solve complex problems using biologically inspired techniques, specifically sequential and goal-driven action learning through (deep) reinforcement learning and evolutionary algorithms.

I am involved in teaching or coordinating the following courses:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Fundamentals and Ethics of AI
  • Introduction to Psychology [Inleiding in de Psychologie]
  • Introduction to Cognitive Science
  • Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making: Neural and Computational Mechanisms
  • Cognitive Psychology [Cognitieve Psychologie]
  • Cognitive Robotics

Contact information

Roy de Kleijn
Leiden University
Office 2.B15
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 (0)71-5273915
E-mail: kleijnrde[at]fsw.leidenuniv.nl or rdekleijn[at]gatech.edu